Fence Tips, Tricks & FAQs

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hmtoggle_plus1How do I change the default construction method from placing the posts on the outside of the fence to placing the posts on the inside of the fence?



Most home owner's associations require the posts to show on the inside of the fence and the panel to face the neighbors; however the default setting in the system will place the posts on the outside.


To move the posts to the inside of the fence, while in the Plan view, click on “Modify”


Click on “Reverse”


Click on the fence area you wish to change.



hmtoggle_plus1How do I change the height of a Fence?


While in the Plan view, click on the “Modify” button.


Click on the side of the fence you wish to modify.


A dialog box containing all selectable fence panels by dimensions will be displayed for your default store. Select the panel with the appropriate dimensions to get the desired height. You can also double click on the side of the fence you wish to modify, which will display a dialog box with the selectable fence panels by dimensions.



hmtoggle_plus1Why are there fence panels shown that do not have corresponding gates?


Not all fence panels have associated gates



hmtoggle_plus1Why are the defaults set to cedar fencing and not to pine?

Materials are listed in alphabetical order. When a fence section is added, a dialog box will appear. The dialog box displays all the fence options available in your default store.



hmtoggle_plus1Can the length of individual fence posts be changed?


No. Individual fence post lengths cannot be changed. The system is designed to base post length on panel length.